HELLO! Welcome to the launch of the re-vamped and basically entirely NEW Sigafoose.com.
It’s finally here! The day we’ve all been waiting for!
As you know, we’ve been working really, really hard on the Sigafoose website for months and months now, and TODAY is the day of it’s Relaunch!
Over the next week, we are going to be sharing some “behind the scenes” footage and some AMAZING Sigafoose audios and videos!

So much of my dad’s work was in VHS and Cassette Tape format and has had to be completely re-digitized.
Yes, VHS and Cassette tapes. lol Talk about “Old School”. Will Ferrell would be jealous. 😉
Do you know how time consuming it’s been to restore them from cassette to .mp3 and from VHS to modern video file formats?
It’s been daunting to say the least. (more all nighters than I care to admit) …and we still have a TON of stuff to restore.

My dear friend Chris Burfield founder of The Chiropractic Underground and fellow Chiropractic Podcaster (Market From The Heart) has been assisting me this entire time.
And now here’s the the cool part, YOU now get to benefit from all of our hard work!
Over the next week we’re going to be sharing clips from my dad’s most popular series, 10 Hours with Sigafoose. ….and in addition to that, you’re going to get a close look at the Higher Grounds DVD series in honor of this relaunch!
So buckle your seat belt, because the next 7 days is going to be an AMAZING ride as we go back in time to learn what chiropractic is all about by none other, than Sigafoose The Great!!
We’d like to kick off this launch with our first video, “Sigafoose Un-Plugged”. This is behind the scenes footage that will allow you to SEE everything we are releasing not only THIS WEEK, but in the coming months and years!
Oh! …and if you have a question, just leave it in the comments section below the video on the website. I’d LOVE to hear from you! I’ll be answering all your questions throughout this entire relaunch.
Chiropractically Yours,
Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose