Sigafoose, made a promise to put BJ’s Green Books on tape. This was an ongoing process over many years. The follow recording are of, “Sigafoose,” reading the Green Books listed bellow and adding his thoughts and opinions, while bringing it up to date by using todays terminology. All of this was done in studio so it is not the LIVE presentations by, “Sigafoose,” that you might be used to. The last recording of the series is of Dr. James Sigafoose giving a LIVE talk to a group of patients, basically expressing his ideas of chiropractic that he had learned over the year via the Green Books.
These recordings are an amazing tool that are available for you to, not just learn, but to absorb, enabling you to be able to more express the principals and philosophy of chiropractic to yourself and to your patients.
- “Palmers Laws Of Life” (Recording 1 & 2)
- “The Bigness From The Fellow Within” (Recording 3, 4, 5 and part of 6)
- “The Great Divide” (Part of Recording 6 and 7)
- BONUS RECORDING: Dr. Sigafoose teaches a group of patients on the importance of chiropractic for themselves and for children (Recording 8)
“Play these recordings until you are bored with them. You must get this information into every part of you.”
WE CHIROPRACTORS work with the subtle substance of the soul. We release the prisoned impulse, the tiny rivulet of force that emanates from the mind and flows over the nerves to the cells and stirs them into life.
We deal with the magic power that transforms common food into living, loving, thinking clay; that robes the earth with beauty, and hues and scents the flowers with the glory of the air.
In the dim, dark, distant long ago, when the sun first bowed to the morning star, this power spoke and there was life; it quickened the slime of the sea and the dust of the earth and drove the cell to union with its fellows in countless living forms.
Through eons of time it finned the fish and winged the bird and fanged the beast. Endlessly it worked, evolving its forms until it produced the crowning glory of them all.
With tireless energy it blows the bubble of each individual life and then silently, relentlessly dissolves the form, and absorbs the spirit into itself again.
And yet you ask, “Can Chiropractic cure appendicitis or the ‘flu’?”
Have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the Innate power that animates the internal living world ?
–B.J Palmer
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Chiropractically Yours,
Dr. Carey N. Pabouet-Sigafoose
Hi there, I’m a chiropractic student from RMIT Australia. I was wondering if this was available for purchase? 🙂
Sorry for the late reply, everything on Sigafoose.com is available to buy. Just click on the product and buy it. I know that sound simplistic, but it is all available on Sigafoose.com