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I went to a party once for a lovely, talented chiropractor. A couple of things occurred to me as I watched and talked and interacted with her guests, who were mostly professors, lawyers and chiropractors. 1) They were smart. I mean, REALLY smart. College educations as the bottom line. Most impressed me as having the…

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Shall We Forgive? Forget?

Shall we forgive? Forget? And if we cannot forgive others, how can we ever forgive ourselves for our own failings? And yet if we forgive too much, aren’t we exposing ourselves to danger? Are we at the most basic level good? Or evil? Can we perfect ourselves, or is that the province of God’s Grace?…

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When A Hotel Gets The “Big Idea”

In an attempt to write about other areas of interest I came across an incredible hotel that gets the bigger idea about living life. This post was NOT solicited by EVEN Hotels, I was just simply blown away that a company, and a hotel at that, is looking at life in a different way, and…

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Consultation Call, Being Coached By Sigafoose

If you could go back in time and be personally coached by Dr. James Sigafoose with some of the most successful people in chiropractic, would you do it? If given the chance to have access to some of the best chiropractic philosophy whenever you want to, would you take the time to listen? If you…

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7 Reasons Chiropractors FAIL

The list that you are about to read, are my thoughts and observations of not just chiropractors, but people in general that I have noticed over the past 48 years. I find myself in an interesting position, being that, for my entire LIFE I have been around chiropractors and these are just a few things…

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