While there is a ton of content out there for you to use and share, it can be time consuming looking for it and finding just the correct article or information to post. “Wisdom, From Sigafoose,” is FILLED with article after article and Daily Affirmations and Quotes Of The Day that you can use either…
Author: Sigafoose
Calling A Subluxation A Nonallopathic Lesion — Is Like Calling An Apple A Pomme De Terre (Potato).
I love the term “Opinion,” it describes ones own thoughts on a subject without actually stating the reasons why or a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. With this in mind I offer up the difference between a Subluxation and a Nonallopathic Lesion. So I digress a bit, first…
Vaccines don’t work and I don’t need you telling me they do — I know how to read!
Growing Up “Sigafoose”
My earliest memories are of Chiropractic. My father was a Chiropractor well before I was born: He went to school at National in Chicago and later practiced in New Freedom, Pennsylvania, then Scottsdale, Arizona, Thomasville, Pennsylvania, St. Simmons Island, Gerogia and finally Venice, Florida. I remember the PA years the most. Dad was a great Chiropractor…