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Fear Of Dying On A Treadmill

Will Smith on the Laws of Success The most interesting quote: “The only thing different about me is that I’m not afraid of dying on a treadmill.” Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger’s laws of personal success? 1) Have clearer goals than anyone else 2) Believe in yourself more than anyone else. 3) Work harder than anyone…

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Office Brochure/Info-Graphs

The most important part of office growth and patient retention is education. Dr. James Sigafoose spoke about this for decades on stage. Dr. Sig created 5 brochures that coincided with the patients first 5 visits. On each visit Dr. Sigafoose would personally hand the patient the brochure and go over the information in it with his…

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Now, it’s possible to “focus” on, say, technique for years and never develop good skills. Such people might focus on, say, adjusting 100 people a day without visualizing where they are coming from, or getting coaching. In essence, they’ve been practicing adjusting rather than visualizing growth. It isn’t practice but effective or “perfect practice” that…

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Do You Have What It Takes? (Truth’s Journey #7)

This is the moment when it feels that all of your abilities are insufficient to reach your goal.  Most people turn back at this point, and never progress to the next level.  This depression, fear, terror, darkness of the soul, comes to everyone, whether they aim high or low in life.  It is necessary to…

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