The most important part of office growth and patient retention is education. Dr. James Sigafoose spoke about this for decades on stage. Dr. Sig created 5 brochures that coincided with the patients first 5 visits. On each visit Dr. Sigafoose would personally hand the patient the brochure and go over the information in it with his…
Tag: Sigafoose
Tired? Tired of being tired? You aren’t alone. There are few human qualities more highly sought than energy. It determines our ability to enjoy life, to attract mates, to finish projects, to protect our families, to shape our bodies effectively, and so much more. While there are endless specific suggestions about herbs, exercises, meditations, supplements,…
Now, it’s possible to “focus” on, say, technique for years and never develop good skills. Such people might focus on, say, adjusting 100 people a day without visualizing where they are coming from, or getting coaching. In essence, they’ve been practicing adjusting rather than visualizing growth. It isn’t practice but effective or “perfect practice” that…
The Student Becomes The Teacher – The Truth’s Journey #10
The Student becomes the Teacher. A vital part of the cycle of life, this completion, when the seeker steps into the space of mastery, creates the room for another seeker. While we must all remain students, we must also grow up, become adults, take our place as holders of wisdom. As a dear friend once…
The Truth Confronts Evil Victoriously – Truth’s Journey #9
The Truth Confronts Evil Victoriously. This is the traditional reward for a person who makes it through the previous eight steps honorably and courageously. Who has faith, good friends, works hard and long, and is clear on goals and values. In other words, who has become a more mature human being. It is very rarely…
THE LEAP OF FAITH (The Truth’s Journey #8)
The Leap of Faith. One of the most crucial aspects of the Truth’s Journey process is Faith. Simply put, life will throw challenges at you that are beyond your conscious reserves, beyond your concept of self. What will get you through? It is fascinating to note that a freakily high percentage of peak performers in…