“Dear God, please… just 11 today. 11 visits will pay the bills. 11 visits will feed the kids. 11 visits will let us keep our house. All I need is 11.” Over and over I sent this prayer up, but not continuously. Here and there when I got desperate I thought was good enough. 11…
Tag: History of Chiropractic
I Am A Chiropractor
Growing Up Sigafoose: Standing on the Shoulder of Giants
By CHIROSUSHI In CHIROPRACTIC SUCCESS, INTERVIEW Growing up Sigafoose wasn’t easy. It still isn’t. But it’s worth it. And Dr. Carey Neal Pabouet-Sigafoose probably wouldn’t have it any other way. Go to Sigafoose.com to sign up for Sigafoose membership It’s never a breeze being a ChiroKid. Try being the son of a Chiropractic legend. You…
Patients Get Posture: 3 New Patient Marketing Strategies
By Krista Burns Posted February 4, 2016 in Sigafoose.com Just by reading the title of this article you probably did what…?You saw the word “posture” and you instantly shifted in your chair noticing that your shoulders were forward and you are slumped in your seat, am I right? What triggered you to change your physiology…
The Truth Confronts Evil Victoriously – Truth’s Journey #9
The Truth Confronts Evil Victoriously. This is the traditional reward for a person who makes it through the previous eight steps honorably and courageously. Who has faith, good friends, works hard and long, and is clear on goals and values. In other words, who has become a more mature human being. It is very rarely…
12 Reasons The 90’s Life College Graduates Are The Best
1. Dr. Sid Williams was still our President. Dr. Sid Though Dr. Williams was with Life Chiropractic, the College and now University until 2002, we had him during his prime, we saw him on campus, driving his vintage Cadillac, speaking at assembly and overseeing his campus, we also got to lay claim to the highest…