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All Patients Lie

Ok, I know the title of this post is a little dramatic, but lets face it, patients don’t always tell you the truth about what is going on with them or what they are taking to get out of pain. The last part of that first sentence, is the entire reason for this blog post.…

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Why The HELL Am I Doing This?

There is not much I wouldn’t do to keep my father’s work in the public eye. His life of service to the chiropractic profession is nothing short of breath taking. At times over the past two years, I have wondered if I should just STOP! His message to the world and to chiropractic is timeless,…

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Forgetting How to Ride a Bicycle

Repost by: Dr. Stew Bittman I used to ride a bike a lot when I was a kid, but in the subsequent 45 or so years I’ve ridden one perhaps a dozen times. Some of the gaps in between have been a decade or more. Yet each time I’ve ended one of those bike-riding…

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Create A Definite Plan (TAGR #3)

“Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once to put this plan into action.”–Napoleon Hill What are the presumptions in this sentence? 1) That you have clarified your wants into a very few definite aims. This is harder than it sounds: most people know what they don’t like in their…

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