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YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS YOU! (Truth’s Journey #5 Part II)

This aspect of, “The Truth’s Journey,” might be the most controversial. It suggests that our relationships reveal a huge amount about who and what we are. If you like what you see across the breakfast table, pat yourself on the back. And if you don’t–you need to do some serious internal work, because that relationship,…

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Well, obviously, unless the TRUTH accepts the challenge, there is no story, in the simple sense. Of course, there are stories that deal with the process of decision (“Ordinary People”), and stories where we are incapable of deciding. What has to happen for a person to begin his or her journey? There must be more…

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I went to a party once for a lovely, talented chiropractor. A couple of things occurred to me as I watched and talked and interacted with her guests, who were mostly professors, lawyers and chiropractors. 1) They were smart. I mean, REALLY smart. College educations as the bottom line. Most impressed me as having the…

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When A Hotel Gets The “Big Idea”

In an attempt to write about other areas of interest I came across an incredible hotel that gets the bigger idea about living life. This post was NOT solicited by EVEN Hotels, I was just simply blown away that a company, and a hotel at that, is looking at life in a different way, and…

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