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YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS YOU! (Truth’s Journey #5 Part II)

This aspect of, “The Truth’s Journey,” might be the most controversial. It suggests that our relationships reveal a huge amount about who and what we are. If you like what you see across the breakfast table, pat yourself on the back. And if you don’t–you need to do some serious internal work, because that relationship,…

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Truth’s Journey #4 THE ROAD OF TRIALS

The Road of Trials. This is just the “stuff” that the TRUTH does along the way, to learn what must be learned and go to the places that must be visited. The Yellow Brick Road. In Star Wars it was Mos Eisley Cantina, and the Death Star and Alderaan. You know the drill. For most…

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Well, obviously, unless the TRUTH accepts the challenge, there is no story, in the simple sense. Of course, there are stories that deal with the process of decision (“Ordinary People”), and stories where we are incapable of deciding. What has to happen for a person to begin his or her journey? There must be more…

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Why? Because a challenge great enough to really expand you, or move you to the next level, will threaten your ego. Such a change is interpreted as “death,” and will trigger the same fear response. I remember attending a workshop once called sexual magic, and all I was being asked to do was go back…

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For those of you who are not a member of, “Sigafoose Weekly,”(our weekly phone consultation group with recorded calls from Dr. James Sigafoose’s) you won’t know about my, Truth’s Journey, program. But within the group I had been talking about journalling and writing about our members fears and thoughts and well pretty much about everything…

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