Episode available here (SigTalks.com)
Benjamin Franklin once said,
“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning.”
When we speak of growth many words come to mind, like development as in, “it hasn’t yet reached its full growth.” Now that could be a plant you are talking about or even a skill, or how you work in your office, as in going from a simpler to a more complex stage, in any manner it is all still talking about growth.
Dr. Sigafoose said that, “life is growth and growth is change. Everything is supposed to grow in life and without growth then we do not learn or change as humans.” But in order to grow we must be willing to control our thoughts. Because to control our thoughts is to control circumstances, conditions, environment and our destiny.
Now what does all of this have to do with Growth?
Well let’s think about that. If we have good thoughts then we can manifest and create good thing, but conversely if we focus on bad thoughts then we create bad of evil things. Now ask yourself, which one of these two things is GROWTH? That is correct. Good thoughts and without controlling them we do not grow. Do you understand?

Now according to Dr. Sigafoose, Thoughts and feelings are an irresistible combination. When you think about things, they can illicit many different emotions and these emotions can assist you in gaining the things that you want. What did Dr. Sig say, “Be it in your mind first and then do what you need to, to have, what you want.” Our thoughts enable us to harness all other natural powers. Because the innate mind is Omnipotent and what we think we can create.
Here is where Dr. Sigafoose wants you to try and harness those thoughts so that you will be able to grow and not just grow as a person, but also to grow your practice. He suggests that you go into your office in the morning and go through the process of seeing 100 people. Do the entire process in your mind. See them touch them adjust them and take the money and reschedule them. Do all this in your mind. This is not something that takes hours; you do this in your mind and in an instant. Buy doing this you will not only start to grow your practice, but you will start to grow as a person.
Let me explain my thoughts on this,
Dr. Sig started talking about Capital at this point, He said and I quote, “Capital is an effect it is not a cause it is a servant not a master it is not an end but a means.” I don’t think he was talking about Capital as in currency, but more as in an intangible type of currency, because it was as this point he said, Success is more then the mere accumulation of riches.
Let me sum up this part on growth if you will, because it really seemed difficult for me to understand at first. — If we can grow our practice through having good thoughts and controlling those thoughts by seeing the growth of the practice in our minds in the office before we open and do this every day then we will not only grow as a person by continuing to have good thought, but then our office will grow and our patients will improve and in turn they will refer and we will improve our financial situation, but we will have done this by growing from the inside out and in the end isn’t that what growth is — improving and achieving what we have thought in order to succeed.
OK my head hurts! LOL
Now if you have got to take a break for a minute, I would totally understand, because next we are going to go over commitment.
I remember reading some plane once that, “Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” I don’t remember where I read that, but I have always tried to live by it.
So the big question of this next area is, “Are you committed?” This is an incredibly important thing, because how can you expect your patients to commit to you if you cannot commit to what you do?
The act of committing, the state of being committed, pledging, or engaging oneself is all-dependent on your involvement:
In our history it was not the flamboyant chiropractors that were the most committed.
It was the quiet ones who were committed to the principle. The ones who went to jail over and over, because they were committed to the cause of chiropractic, and not the chiropractic of today, that being backaches, pains and strains, but of finding and correcting the subluxation so that the power that made the body could heal the body.

Dr. Sigafoose talks about a different type of Green Book – Not the chiropractic green book, but the book of the list of the people who have gotten the congressional medial of honor — The men and women of America who went above and beyond the call of duty. Are you doing service beyond the call of duty? Are you working tirelessly to do what is right?
Dr. Sig seems to say here that if you love with you do, then why would you need a vacation from it? This is a type of total commitment. Is it right or wrong, well that is up to you and your level of commitment as to what you want out of life, but if you are looking for a high volume practice where you serve as many as you can, then your hobby can not be more important then what you do and that is being a chiropractor and serving as many as you possible can. Everyone needs a social life. But is your social life more important to you then your practice?
My job here is not to answer that question for you;
it is merely something for you to think about. Do you have balance? Commitment means tipping the scale a little bit in the direction of your life’s goal.
Money, growth and commitment are a byproduct of service. It is a natural outgrowth of getting people under chiropractic care. So in the end it is all about controlling your thoughts so that you can grow your practice through being committed to what you do – being a chiropractor.
Well to be honest I am going to cut it off there. Remember that this was only about 15-20 min. of the 30-40-consultation call and in the end my rap-up is what I got out of this call after listening to it about 9-10 times. There was one part of this consultation call where Dr. Sigafoose said that when we read a book over again we get something different from it each time. That is GROWTH, so I encourage you to head on over to Sigafoose.com and sign up for our e-mail notifications and as soon as we get all of these calls digitized, they will be available for you to own. I highly recommend you get them and listen to them over and over again and start to grow and change in your own life. Thanks for listening and as always I look forward to talking to you again next week.
Chiropractic ally Yours,
Dr. Carey N. Pabouet-Sigafoose