Sigafoose Patient Education Videos
Pre-Consultation (4 min.)
Immediately informs your patient that chiropractic is a Science, Art and Philosophy. This video is shown before the exam and x-ray on their first visit. It explains the disfunction in the human body that is causing symptoms. Describes our jobs as chiropractors, in the way that our skills allow us to find the bone or bones, subluxation, that are out of place and how the body will, when subluxation free, heal. Replacing sick cells with healthy cells and the importance of having the entire family being checked.
Symptoms (9 min)
What if every time your patient started talking about Symptoms or lack of symptoms, you could just set them down so they could watch a quick informative video explaining to them what is going on. This will remove them from the waiting room when they are talking about a reaction to the adjustment. It allows you to have it explained over and over and to reduplicate what is going on exactly the same, each time, until the patients understand what is happening. The Symptoms video is an incredibly useful tool in your office for one of the most common reasons patients leave, that being their symptoms are gone, or that their symptoms have not gone yet. Explaining that we do not base their care on Symptoms, but on correction of the spinal misalignments. Incredibly amazing in its use and simplicity.
Report of Findings (12 min.)
Literally a spinal class. This is probably the most AMAZING DVD, Dr. Sigafoose has ever made. Not only is it an excellent Chiropractic Report that you can use to educate your patients on a one to one bases, but it is a great learning tool for you, the doctor, to use and LEARN how to perform an office GROUP doctors talk. The Flip Chart that Dr. Sigafoose is using is also available, but we have updated it and it is now a PowerPoint presentation. This Report goes through everything, from the safety pin cycle to the definition of STRESS, how the brain works, the difference in muscle strength from side to side, balance, energy, subluxation, lack of motion, dysfunction and disease, rheostat effect, definition of Health and Above, Down, Inside, out (A.D.I.O.) and ends the DVD with an explanation of who needs chiropractic and why we refuse no one for care even if the patient has financial difficulties.
Whiplash (10 Min.)
In this patient education video, Dr. Sigafoose teaches patients with whiplash injuries WHY they should continue on with Chiropractic Wellness Care AFTER their spines are corrected. We all know that MVA Patients tend to be “symptom relief” patients ONLY, this video will help them catch The Big Idea of Chiropractic.
X-Rays Report (7 min)
Keeping it SIMPLE so the patient understands clearly what it’s going to take to get and stay well. The video explains why we took x-rays, how much nerve tissue is involved and how long the body will take to recover. The video also explains what is happening when the bones of the spine are out of place and how because of these bone being out of alignment that the tissue cells can become dis-eased. Dr. Sigafoose then talks about why, the outside-in method has failed them and why the x-rays will allow us to find out what is going on inside of them. The end of the video goes into the importance of time and allowing us as chiropractors to have enough of it so that the body can recreate itself with healthy cells.
Maintenance Care (13 min.)
The final video is shown as the patient leaves active care. Instead of loosing them until their condition returns, show them this video so that they understand the importance of continuing their care on a maintenance bases. In this video, Dr. Sigafoose uses many extremely simple examples of why maintenance care is the way to go. Throughout the video he emphasizes that though their symptoms are gone, their body is still healing and changing and improving. He encourages them with the simple fact that they have worked incredibly hard to get to this point and that they have spent so much money and effort, why would they ever want to allow their spine to go back to the way it was at the beginning.
If You Don’t Know Subluxation (12 Min.)
One of Dr. Sigafoose’s longer patient education videos, but by far, it is one of the most powerful ones too. In this 12-minute video, Dr. Sigafoose, takes your patients on a journey of discovery, educating them, as no one else could, on what a subluxation is and how it affects the body, mind and spirit. This can be played on a loop in your office or as part of his new patient series, 7 videos in total. Let Dr. Sigafoose be another member of your team, in an effort to help you have the most educated patients ever. Not only will they remain as valued patients, but also they will have the knowledge to be your front line ambassadors to help you grow your practice from the inside.