I went to a party once for a lovely, talented chiropractor. A couple of things occurred to me as I watched and talked and interacted with her guests, who were mostly professors, lawyers and chiropractors.
1) They were smart. I mean, REALLY smart. College educations as the bottom line. Most impressed me as having the kind of intellectual focus you would find in college professors of the highest water. Interesting…and not what I’ve experienced in Atlanta as a whole.

2) They were all connected in a web of spirituality. Now, the group was selected, of course they had all beeninvited by the chiropractor, so they reflect her. But it was fascinating how many times a deep sense of gratitude for life, and love, and health was expressed. A sense of the divine, a love of Christ, or a commitment to other spiritual paths, such as Zen.
Among these very successful people, intellectual clarity and acuity is absolutely critical. The ability to synthesize data into new pathways, and to think flexibly—these people are walking pathways trod by few before them.
And as for Faith? You need a place to put your fear and frustration, your anger. And this is separate from the lessons of Life, simply put, the way through the Dark Night is Faith. Without that, when things get bad you are thrown on your individual resources, which are often insufficient.

There is also the issue of spirituality. When you meet another person who is genuinely committed to such a path, you have found someone who you can speak to, less limited by the differences in ones genetic, sex or cultural origin.
There is a lesson here, about the value of clear, careful thinking, gratitude, spirituality, a loving and gracious nature…I saw so much of that, plus humor and vast energy. Seek out who and what you want – Success breeds success – Failure breeds Failure.
Dr. Carey N. Pabouet-Sigafoose