Billy The Life Cell Video & Coloring Book
The story of Billy The Life Cell has been locked up in the Sigafoose Vault for over four decades. Watch how it comes to life in this brand new ChiroToon. Use it to educate patients of all ages.
This is the Story of Billy The Life Cell. Written by one of Dr. Jim Sigafoose’s patients, Ralph Gilmore, over 40 years ago. It has now come to life as a ChiroToon that you can use to educate both adults & children about the wonderful world of chiropractic!
You can add this video to your website, play it on the Big Screen in your office, use it at Spinal Screenings to draw attention to your booth or even use it to get into local schools and speak at career day! The possibilities are endless.
The Big Mysterious Word & Book
The Big Mysterious Word has been a part of our family for over 40 years and it has taken on many forms over those years. First is was a story on a piece of paper given to my father Dr. James Sigafoose. He then turned it into a simple children’s magazine style booklet that he would hand out in the office and at any spinal screenings that he and my mother, Patricia Sigafoose, would do. Years later my sister, Dr. Selina Sigafoose-Jackson turned it into a video story and finally today it has been turned into our second Chirotoon for you to use on your website, in the office, at spinal screenings or any other creative way you can think to to use it.